Our methodology focuses on architecture

  You must guard against bias while ensuring accountability and security. Companies should feel the same duty of care towards their AIs.The AI revolution needs a human touch AI is expanding into every facet of our lives, driving better business decisions and user experiences throughout a wide range of markets and industries. Understanding AI will require new skills and insights.Unlocking the Black BoxTraining AI is a complicated process.Effective MonitoringOnce your AI is out in the wild, monitoring its performance against value-driven metrics is critical to its success – and yours.Trustworthy DesignConsumers will only be able to trust your AI as far as you can explain its actions and decisions.

  With Accenture’s myLearning technology, you can democratize AI learning and reduce barriers to entry. In another well-publicized incident, the first version of Google Photos tagged people of color as gorillas. And when ProPublica dug into the workings of COMPAS, a tool used to predict recidivism rates among criminals as part of the parole process, they were shocked to discover it discriminated against minorities. Our methodology focuses on architecture and solutions that emphasize people and human values.

  We call it “Citizen AI”.Workforce ReskillingIntroducing AI will impact individuals within your organization as well. Meanwhile, Amazon Alexa and Google Home have given us the ability to order goods and services without ever seeing a screen. But as we Diy Power Tools Suppliers train our artificial intelligences to approve loans, identify job candidates and treat patients, we must be mindful of our responsibility to society.Even though machine learning and AI will be key requirements in your future business, the digital revolution needs a human touch.